Friday, February 19, 2010

Common Mistakes in Business Card Printing

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A Business card is an important tool for every professional. It acts as a significant marketing tool whenever you meet any prospective client in trade shows, seminars or business meetings. Its text and design matters a lot since it has the potential to let your business grow by bringing in new customers. Today, there are several business card printing software available in the market. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is one such software that helps you to design cards. One must be very cautious while designing these cards so that it is attractive both in terms of look and content. There are some common mistakes that people often make while business card printing.

1. People always put a lot of stress on the design and content part of a business card since these two things are noticed first. But along with the design and content, the feel of the card is also important. Hence, avoid using flimsy materials while business card printing.

2. Thermography is a commonly used method for making raised lettering on your card. Although it makes the text prominent but such lettering fails to give the professional look.

3. Many professionals do not order for new cards if they don't run out of their old stock. This habit results in circulating the business information which has become outdated. Hence, you give new designs after regular intervals. It is always a good idea to improve the design by upgrading the content.

4. Many people have the habit of providing loads of information in their business cards. This ultimately gives it a look of a leaflet or advertisement brochure. Hence, always put the key information of your company that is brief and can attract your clients instantly.

5. The size is a very significant factor. Many professionals try to make cards that have unusual sizes so that it is noticeable at the first sight. But business professionals generally use card holders. Hence, try to keep it within the size of the holder so that your clients can carry them easily.

Contacting online printing companies is an easy way to avoid all the mistakes stated above. There are several such companies in the web and is one of the most efficient among them. You can get web tools in their website to give your own design. All their products come with the guarantee of zero carbon emission. Visit their official website to know more about them.

Tips For Successful Brochure Printing

+919909278609 MY Contact

Distributing the brochures is the simplest way to promote your business. The color copies will attract the readers and capture their attention. It is good to have color copies rather than sticking for the age old black and white advertisement copies. They prove to be a sure fire way to promote the business sales. Brochure printing has got so many factors to be considered that will add value to your advertisement and marketing.

Basically, a brochure is a single document that can be of varying sizes. In most cases, they are personally handed over to the people and are used as product flyer catalogs. So what are the factors that play a vital role in choosing the paper while brochure printing?

Choosing the paper is an important aspect. It is recommended to choose a light color scheme with a neat background picture and precise textual matter. Over usage of colors might irritate the readers. The message and the paper material should incorporate the message and company logo. A brief company profile is mandatory on the side pages. You must be specific about your business services and products that you offer. The complete contact information should be given on the color copies.

Present the contents in a very persuasive manner. Prepare the contents from the customer's point of view. The design must be apt and serve the purpose. The corporate logo and the tag line are important in brochure printing. They can be printed on the front side of the brochure.

Brochure Printing and How it Can Help Your Business

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As a business owner, you are well aware that both your time and money are valuable assets. It is very important to find ways that allow you to save on both. One equates to the other, so it is not worth wasting either one. If you find yourself in need of brochure printing, this can become and important issue.

You want to get the brochures done and distributed to your customers in as timely a manner as possible. Along with that, you also want to do it as inexpensively as possible. You have to think about what the brochures need to contain and how many are needed. Other things you have to consider are the time involved and do you have the equipment necessary to print them yourself.

If you are not in regular need of large print jobs, it may not be worth your expense to invest in the machines necessary. Only doing occasional mailers or advertising may mean that this office equipment is just not worth your investment.

Under these circumstances, you may find yourself better served to have your items printed elsewhere. There are many companies that offer these types of services at reasonable rates. They cater to businesses just like yours. They know that it may not be worth your while to invest in all those office machines if you are not using them regularly.

In many cases, it is cheaper if you have designed the brochure yourself and are just having them make copies. It is very easy to find someone that will do these types of projects and they can be done very quickly. You simply create one brochure and they copy it for you at a set fee. If you need them to do more work, the fees will go up accordingly.

Brochure printing is a great way to draw attention to your business, at a very small expense to yourself. That is why outsourcing the printing of them can be a very wise idea. If your business grows and you find yourself needing to do more, you can always purchase more office equipment, later.


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