Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Protecting Your Custom Company Logo Design's Copyright

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You would definitely not want to loose your business to someone else who has conveniently copied your logo to use as their own. Safeguarding your logo from plagiarism or trademark infringement is one of the most vital steps that you can take to protect your brand identity. People commonly confuse copyright protection and trademark protection as the same thing. Though both of these protect your brand identity, copyright protects the logo and trademark defends the logo, brand name or slogan as used in the marketplace.

This article would elaborate on protecting your customer company logo design's copyright. For protecting your logo you need to know about how to protect it?

According to US copyright office "Copyright protection may be available for logo artwork that contains sufficient authorship." This means that following type of logos cannot be protected by copyright laws:

* Commonly used symbols or designs such as Latin cross, peace signs or arrows
* Logos containing texts that only have mere variations in fonts, lettering, colors for example text in times new roman or text in a red.

The term "Sufficient authorship" means that the logo should have a certain degree of creativity and innovativeness attached to it. If your business is using a logo picked out from an online free to use source or MS word clipart directory, your logo would not be eligible for copyright protection.

Following are the steps that you must take to ensure the copyright protection for your logo:

Properly mark your work as copyrighted: To avoid any ignorant mistakes on the part of others mark your logo as copyrighted. This will forewarn people about consequences of deliberate copying.

Register your company's logo: Register your company's logo or any such artwork or promotional material that you want to protect against infringement with the country's copyright services. Registration can be made even before the launch of the company. This process is very simple and entails filling up few forms.

Backup your claim with sufficient evidence: The application for registration of copyrighting the company logo should be backed up evidences that talks about how the work for designing the logo progressed? Who was the author of the work? What is it in the logo that makes it unique?

In case of Joint ventures: If your company is a joint venture, agree in advance to who will inherit the logo if one partner leaves the company.

Plagiarism has become a very serious threat to the creativity , copyrighting your logo is a must from every angle to safeguard your brand identity. Delay in taking these steps can cost you all your efforts of establishing a brand identity.

Logo Design Ideas

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There is a conflict between people as for the requirement of a logo design for a flourishing business. Some people maintain their business to the peak without any use of a logo or like other encouragement policy. Some people think that the logo designs should be necessarily required for a flourishing business.

In order to attain the attention of other people that your business exists and to achieve success, you unquestionably require a logo for your business. And this is the right decision that everyone must take who is having his business. A victorious business needs a logo to prosper itself and to develop a position for itself in the market. If there is a question in your mind and still you are not persuaded, ask yourself a little question - what sort of business are you preparing, who are your opponents, and do you have the courage to enter the flourishing market without such a promotional approach? After thinking these questions in your mind you will able to realize the importance of a high-quality logo design and that is a requirement for your organization. After you decide logo is requirement for your company then other question that comes into your mind is: Which logo design company to call?

The answer is. A high-quality logo design for a company is the one which recognize your dream of obtaining the higher position in the market space. It should understand your total business and thus produce the ideal logo for your company. Good logo is something that will help you to grasp the customer's eye in a reputable market.

These day's customers are trademark conscious and they want everything branded including their clothing, drinking, eating, driving or they even looking at the brand for the logo. So to capture attention of such a consumer, you need a logo design! If you are a business enterprise, it does not mean your logo need not be ingenious. An imaginative logo design with all the necessary constituents should require for any business.

With a little help from a knowledgeable graphic designer you can place to reconstruct your company's picture. In your mind there are huge company logos but what makes those designs excel? There are billions of designs that are poured into advertising, you have to select according to your requirement.

To find a good logo design for your company that suits your requirements is not a very hard-hitting task these days. There are numerous designs that worldwide companies holds. The key that you require to know the design for company is to study the terms on which the company works. You have to check its integrity and the type of assignments it has taken to evaluate whether it is going to create the favorable logo for your business.

After your logo has been created, continue to invest in your business's future. The excellent news is that every letter, sign, sentence or special note of your company is seen by a customer. And that is a chance to build integrity and good picture. It does not matter that what is you or what your business does; steadiness is the key to maintain a new fresh logo.

Push your business ahead by creating a long-lasting new logo design with the following tips in mind.

• Support achievement.
• Investigate numerous initial logo concepts.
• Try to achieve trusted comment and improve it according to the comments.
• Safeguard it. Defend your new logo of your company in every aspect.

Band Logo Design - 6 Tips to Make an Effective Band Logo

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Your band logo is one of the single most important decisions in communicating the genre and style of your band's music. A memorable logo can become iconic and serve as a very powerful marketing tool to gain recognition either locally or internationally.

The right logo for your band helps communicate the style of your music. If done effectively, your logo will attract fans because they identify with your image.

Here are the 6 Keys to Your Band's Logo Design:

1. Brainstorm: Think about the image your want your band to communicate. Is it soft, aggressive, rock, rap, etc? Take time to brainstorm and write down all the words and images that come to mind when you describe your band. This step is crucial to provide clarity when progressing to the next steps.

2. Your Band's Logo Font: Where font is concerned, you can really get creative. Choose an existing font that conveys your band's image or you might have a designer create a new font for you. Remember to always ask yourself if the font represents the words and images you came up with in your brainstorming sessions. As well, ensure the font is one that you or your designer can easily recreate because you are going to want to incorporate it on your website, T-Shirts, flyers and other promotional items. Lastly, it is very important that the font is readable.

3. Images in Your Band Logo: While some logos put the emphasis on their font (i.e. The Beatles), others choose to use an illustration that becomes associated with their band (i.e. The Rolling Stones used the Lips and Tongue which will never be forgotten). The illustration can be as simple as a circle or as intricate as a skull with cross bones and fracture details in the bone. Details such as the thickness of lines or the intricacy of the art will all add to the feeling your image conveys.

4. Colour of Your Band Logo: The use of colors can be used to elicit different feelings from your audience. Using black will evoke a different feeling than pink. As well, the brightness of your colour scheme will also change the feel of the logo as a neon colour will give a very different impression than a pastel colour. It's recommended to research what the bands in your genre are using to get a sense of what the market responds to. Remember: you will want your logo printed on your promotional items. The more colour incorporated in your logo, the more expensive it will be to print. Generally, one to two colors can give you the pop and effectiveness you need without becoming to intricate for print.

5. Make it Original: the whole purpose of creating your logo is to stand out from other bands. Take the time to really reflect on what can make you unique and memorable.

6. Sample Your Band Logo: It can be very helpful to create a number of logos then sample them with friends that are in your target. Remember, although you'll want to get the opinions of your friends, make sure they are in the target market you are trying to attract.

When you are finished your logo, you might want to consider registering it with a reputable copyright registry for added protection should copyright infringement occur. The advantage of registering your artwork is you will have time-stamped legal proof you are the original owner of the work in case someone steals the logo.

Logo Design Elements For Achieving a Strong Identity

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A business logo design often creates the vital first impression of your company in the minds of consumers. Representing your company and its products or services, a logo that is a name, symbol, or trademark designed for building easy recognition is essential. Brand recognition goes hand in hand with the formation of your corporate identity, therefore your logo design should meet your needs over the long term. Most top notch companies owe their success to a positive corporate identity, and the visual aspects of image such as a logo, are often primary. A single creative idea has the potential to transform your brand identity into brand equity, making your business a success. Therefore an effective corporate logo design can go a long way towards creating brand equity and establishing the presence and standing of your business.

Your company logo design should not only be unforgettable, but flexibly usable. There are a number of elements that make up a successful logo. A custom logo design will ensure that your logo will incorporate all of the important aspects that go into designing an excellent logo. Some of these major factors of effective logo graphic design include:

* It is unique and stands out from the logos of other businesses and your competition. Using a symbol that relates to your name or a defining characteristic of your company will help differentiate your business. An uncommon, individualized type of logo not only has the advantage of easy recognition, but it also influences the integrity of your business. 'Copy cat' types of logos that try to 'piggy back' on the success of other businesses usually give the impression that you do not really have a unique selling proposition.

* It conveys the philosophy of the product or business. Communicating a tone that is compatible with your brand strategy and mission is an effective way to help people relate your logo with products or services that you provide. A logo design that appears to be a part of your company or depicts the nature of your business will make it easy for people to quickly understand. For example, a construction logo design that depicts images of a hammer and other tools, or a Christian logo design for a bookstore incorporating the cross and a pile of books, would make it simple for consumers from around the world to decipher what your business provides.

* It is designed with the target market in mind. An effectively designed logo is compatible with the consumers of the product or services that you provide. For example, a medical logo design for a pediatrician's office is created for an audience that includes mostly parents. Therefore your logo could be designed to appeal to the interests of parents, using images that relate to love and caring for children.

* It is visually appealing. A unique logo graphic design that uses appropriate colors, fonts and shapes is essential. These design choices should be compatible with the emotional qualities of your product or service. It is essential to have a basic understanding of symmetry, colors and fonts, otherwise your logo may convey the wrong tone. Shapes also play a role in establishing the emotional tone. For example, sharp corners tend to convey excitement, and rounded corners tranquility.

* It is simple and readable. A simple logotype design is easier recognized faster than a complex design. A business logo design that is simple and compelling without being boring or institutional is the goal. Effective logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn. Strong lines and letters show up better than thin ones, and clean, simple logos reduce and enlarge much better than complicated ones.

* Can be easily reproduced. The design of your logo should be flexible and work well in all mediums, including low-resolution, fax, and black and white, the web, and color printing.

* It is scalable. Your company logo design should be visually effective in both large and small sizes, so that it can transfer well to a variety of mediums. For example, you may need to use your logo on banners or billboards; or your logo may be needed in much smaller forms, such as a favicon. (A favicon is a 16x16 pixel image that appears next to the site name in the navigation bar of many browsers, and in bookmarks or favorites lists). Visitors use favicons to quickly identify your site in browser tabs without having to read the URL address. Favicons have become an important aspect of brand identity online, as they make your site easily identifiable and distinguishable.

It is not easy to find a logo design company that can provide you with a logo that meets all of the above criteria affordability. A web solutions provider that offers a full range of marketing and technology solutions, including advertising expertise, is your best bet for obtaining an excellent logo for your organization.

Logo Design - Best Ideas Are Simple

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Logo Design-

Best ideas are plain and simple. Many businesses buy or create on their own a very elaborate logo with multiple colors and parts. This makes printing both complicated and expensive. Complicated images cloud the mind- something simple a clear will be remembered. To think of a few simple and well known logos, I come up with AT&T and Nike. Each of these either have just the letters- plain and simple or a one color graphic that is easy to remember. I bet you can visualize the Nike logo in your head.


I can think of several companies that I drive by regularly and their sign out front is many colors, very wordy, and too small or faint to see on a drive by. So- I don't know their name, I don't know what they sell, and I can't recommend them to a friend who may be looking for this service locally. Did you ever see a company name in script on a sign? It is unreadable.

I design logos based on the common company name. If the company name is Joe's Sneaker Shop- and the common name is Joe's- then the logo should be made out of the word Joe's- one color, bold, with the words Sneaker shop next to or underneath so it is not confused with Joe's Bar and Grille. Joes' Sneaker Shop Should not have a logo using JSS. This could be any business and the locals call it Joe's- not JSS.

Logo Design- Best is Simple

In the event the company could someday become a nationally known corporation- then the logo should lend itself to that. Obviously Joe's Sneaker Shop would not be the name for a national company. Maybe Joseph's Legendary Shoes. This name suggests fame, quality, and national sales. The logo for this potentially national sneaker supplier needs to be plain and simple- a clean graphic would be ok. A cartoon of a sneaker would not be ok.

Uniformity- Logo Design- Always Keep the Same

Many new companies starting out are unable to hire a designer for logo design and opt to not bother. This is ok- but when the company name is in print it should always be in the same font and always in bold. If the business goes well and starts to get a good client base. These clients need to know the identity of the company they are dealing with. A sudden change in the look will create confusion. The clients may not even know that you are the same company.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Magazine Printing - A Sure Way of Marketing

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Magazines offer a unique manner of presenting information to a wide variety of readers. They server various purposes but most of them are informational, educational or for marketing purposes. As the usage of magazines keeps on growing, the business of magazine printing also gets its hold strengthened. The quality of magazines printing plays an important role in making the magazine a popular choice for the readers.

There can be a number of things that need to be taken care of before a successful print magazine is brought into the market. For example, the content of a magazine can be called its soul. Unique content that is written in a witty language, with precise use of vocabulary and exact expressions, really helps impress the readers. One more thing that needs to be taken care of before the magazine is ordered to be published is its design. It is something that gives a unique outlook to the print magazines in an ever-increasingly tough market of magazines.

The design and concept of a magazine is something that can be changed or customized to a greater length. This option is used for large print magazines though it is also equally viable for small-size magazines. As most of the uses of magazines include information dissemination, attractive and elegant designs surely help in increasing the readership. But, there are many magazines that are too subject oriented and relate to specific industry. Such magazines may have smaller number of readers but still the interest of the reader can also be enhanced with subtle changes on design and concept of the large print magazine.

Lastly, printing is what makes the magazine really sell. If the printing quality of an elite sports magazine is mediocre, it cannot hope to be successful. There are various magazines printing services that are employed to achieve the best of the best printing result. Maybe, the best known such technique is called full color CMYK magazine printing. The service is used to generate real-life colors. Moreover, glossy finish, embossing or debossing can also be utilized.

I have been writing articles for last few months and found it an interesting activity. I love to think about different hot topics and write about them.

TOTAl PRINTNG SOLUTION-Brochure Printing Offers an Easy Way of Marketing

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Brochures are multipage documents used for marketing and general information purposes. They may have information about new products or they may list the services offered by a business. Yet still, they may inform the customers about the company or business in general. Brochures are a successful marketing tool as they offer information in an organized manner with the help of charts, graphics and other relevant data.

Almost all the businesses take advantage of many benefits offered by the brochure printing services. Marketing is the main advantage while information and customer base growth are others. Brochures have a multipage format, so they can be used to carry a lot of information. Brochure printing also costs little as compared to large size posters, hoardings or other visible marketing methods. The best way to find the solution to brochures printing needs is to look for a professional company that deals with professional and customized printing services.

An exciting way to make the brochures print look stunning is to use only the best printing technologies. Full color CMYK printing should be used in order to produce color brochure printing with the result that has no match. Moreover, the use of glossy finish adds extra finesse to the products and makes them look elegant. If the design, concept, content, layout, colors, size and such other things are taken into account, a successful formula can be devised to print brochures that will excel in quality and performance.

It is quite understandable as to why businesses prefer brochures over many other tools of marketing. They are cost effective, multipurpose, multipage and offer a well organized information. There is a wide range of business brochure printing services that may offer various options for customization. From colors to size and content to design layout, almost all the aspects of a brochure can be customized. With a careful search, even cheap brochure printing can be found.


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