Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Band Logo Design - 6 Tips to Make an Effective Band Logo

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Your band logo is one of the single most important decisions in communicating the genre and style of your band's music. A memorable logo can become iconic and serve as a very powerful marketing tool to gain recognition either locally or internationally.

The right logo for your band helps communicate the style of your music. If done effectively, your logo will attract fans because they identify with your image.

Here are the 6 Keys to Your Band's Logo Design:

1. Brainstorm: Think about the image your want your band to communicate. Is it soft, aggressive, rock, rap, etc? Take time to brainstorm and write down all the words and images that come to mind when you describe your band. This step is crucial to provide clarity when progressing to the next steps.

2. Your Band's Logo Font: Where font is concerned, you can really get creative. Choose an existing font that conveys your band's image or you might have a designer create a new font for you. Remember to always ask yourself if the font represents the words and images you came up with in your brainstorming sessions. As well, ensure the font is one that you or your designer can easily recreate because you are going to want to incorporate it on your website, T-Shirts, flyers and other promotional items. Lastly, it is very important that the font is readable.

3. Images in Your Band Logo: While some logos put the emphasis on their font (i.e. The Beatles), others choose to use an illustration that becomes associated with their band (i.e. The Rolling Stones used the Lips and Tongue which will never be forgotten). The illustration can be as simple as a circle or as intricate as a skull with cross bones and fracture details in the bone. Details such as the thickness of lines or the intricacy of the art will all add to the feeling your image conveys.

4. Colour of Your Band Logo: The use of colors can be used to elicit different feelings from your audience. Using black will evoke a different feeling than pink. As well, the brightness of your colour scheme will also change the feel of the logo as a neon colour will give a very different impression than a pastel colour. It's recommended to research what the bands in your genre are using to get a sense of what the market responds to. Remember: you will want your logo printed on your promotional items. The more colour incorporated in your logo, the more expensive it will be to print. Generally, one to two colors can give you the pop and effectiveness you need without becoming to intricate for print.

5. Make it Original: the whole purpose of creating your logo is to stand out from other bands. Take the time to really reflect on what can make you unique and memorable.

6. Sample Your Band Logo: It can be very helpful to create a number of logos then sample them with friends that are in your target. Remember, although you'll want to get the opinions of your friends, make sure they are in the target market you are trying to attract.

When you are finished your logo, you might want to consider registering it with a reputable copyright registry for added protection should copyright infringement occur. The advantage of registering your artwork is you will have time-stamped legal proof you are the original owner of the work in case someone steals the logo.

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