Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Logo Design Elements For Achieving a Strong Identity

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A business logo design often creates the vital first impression of your company in the minds of consumers. Representing your company and its products or services, a logo that is a name, symbol, or trademark designed for building easy recognition is essential. Brand recognition goes hand in hand with the formation of your corporate identity, therefore your logo design should meet your needs over the long term. Most top notch companies owe their success to a positive corporate identity, and the visual aspects of image such as a logo, are often primary. A single creative idea has the potential to transform your brand identity into brand equity, making your business a success. Therefore an effective corporate logo design can go a long way towards creating brand equity and establishing the presence and standing of your business.

Your company logo design should not only be unforgettable, but flexibly usable. There are a number of elements that make up a successful logo. A custom logo design will ensure that your logo will incorporate all of the important aspects that go into designing an excellent logo. Some of these major factors of effective logo graphic design include:

* It is unique and stands out from the logos of other businesses and your competition. Using a symbol that relates to your name or a defining characteristic of your company will help differentiate your business. An uncommon, individualized type of logo not only has the advantage of easy recognition, but it also influences the integrity of your business. 'Copy cat' types of logos that try to 'piggy back' on the success of other businesses usually give the impression that you do not really have a unique selling proposition.

* It conveys the philosophy of the product or business. Communicating a tone that is compatible with your brand strategy and mission is an effective way to help people relate your logo with products or services that you provide. A logo design that appears to be a part of your company or depicts the nature of your business will make it easy for people to quickly understand. For example, a construction logo design that depicts images of a hammer and other tools, or a Christian logo design for a bookstore incorporating the cross and a pile of books, would make it simple for consumers from around the world to decipher what your business provides.

* It is designed with the target market in mind. An effectively designed logo is compatible with the consumers of the product or services that you provide. For example, a medical logo design for a pediatrician's office is created for an audience that includes mostly parents. Therefore your logo could be designed to appeal to the interests of parents, using images that relate to love and caring for children.

* It is visually appealing. A unique logo graphic design that uses appropriate colors, fonts and shapes is essential. These design choices should be compatible with the emotional qualities of your product or service. It is essential to have a basic understanding of symmetry, colors and fonts, otherwise your logo may convey the wrong tone. Shapes also play a role in establishing the emotional tone. For example, sharp corners tend to convey excitement, and rounded corners tranquility.

* It is simple and readable. A simple logotype design is easier recognized faster than a complex design. A business logo design that is simple and compelling without being boring or institutional is the goal. Effective logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn. Strong lines and letters show up better than thin ones, and clean, simple logos reduce and enlarge much better than complicated ones.

* Can be easily reproduced. The design of your logo should be flexible and work well in all mediums, including low-resolution, fax, and black and white, the web, and color printing.

* It is scalable. Your company logo design should be visually effective in both large and small sizes, so that it can transfer well to a variety of mediums. For example, you may need to use your logo on banners or billboards; or your logo may be needed in much smaller forms, such as a favicon. (A favicon is a 16x16 pixel image that appears next to the site name in the navigation bar of many browsers, and in bookmarks or favorites lists). Visitors use favicons to quickly identify your site in browser tabs without having to read the URL address. Favicons have become an important aspect of brand identity online, as they make your site easily identifiable and distinguishable.

It is not easy to find a logo design company that can provide you with a logo that meets all of the above criteria affordability. A web solutions provider that offers a full range of marketing and technology solutions, including advertising expertise, is your best bet for obtaining an excellent logo for your organization.

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