Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Logo Design - Best Ideas Are Simple

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Logo Design-

Best ideas are plain and simple. Many businesses buy or create on their own a very elaborate logo with multiple colors and parts. This makes printing both complicated and expensive. Complicated images cloud the mind- something simple a clear will be remembered. To think of a few simple and well known logos, I come up with AT&T and Nike. Each of these either have just the letters- plain and simple or a one color graphic that is easy to remember. I bet you can visualize the Nike logo in your head.


I can think of several companies that I drive by regularly and their sign out front is many colors, very wordy, and too small or faint to see on a drive by. So- I don't know their name, I don't know what they sell, and I can't recommend them to a friend who may be looking for this service locally. Did you ever see a company name in script on a sign? It is unreadable.

I design logos based on the common company name. If the company name is Joe's Sneaker Shop- and the common name is Joe's- then the logo should be made out of the word Joe's- one color, bold, with the words Sneaker shop next to or underneath so it is not confused with Joe's Bar and Grille. Joes' Sneaker Shop Should not have a logo using JSS. This could be any business and the locals call it Joe's- not JSS.

Logo Design- Best is Simple

In the event the company could someday become a nationally known corporation- then the logo should lend itself to that. Obviously Joe's Sneaker Shop would not be the name for a national company. Maybe Joseph's Legendary Shoes. This name suggests fame, quality, and national sales. The logo for this potentially national sneaker supplier needs to be plain and simple- a clean graphic would be ok. A cartoon of a sneaker would not be ok.

Uniformity- Logo Design- Always Keep the Same

Many new companies starting out are unable to hire a designer for logo design and opt to not bother. This is ok- but when the company name is in print it should always be in the same font and always in bold. If the business goes well and starts to get a good client base. These clients need to know the identity of the company they are dealing with. A sudden change in the look will create confusion. The clients may not even know that you are the same company.

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