Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Brochure Printing and Branding

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What is the connection between these two concepts? It makes your business different from the rest of your competition, that is what.

With so many companies offering the same features and benefits as you, it is quite challenging to come up with a unique quality that would set you apart from your competition. That's why you need to combine your brochure printing with brand marketing to make yourself stand out from the rest of the pack.

The idea is that even when many companies offer the same kind of benefits, the same quality of products and the same price, all of them can still be different in other ways. This is where branding comes in. It might be that one company is known for the imported materials they use to manufacture their product. Or the next one can say that they, on the other hand, use local materials. Or the third company might say in their print brochures that they have the lowest price in the market. All of these that make one company unique from each other are what branding can do. By giving your target clients a promise that you can deliver efficiently, you are making it possible for your audience to remember and recognize your kind of brand.

Here is where you can start creating your own brand. By answering these questions, you can have an image that would be remembered for a long time.

What do you consider the most important? What matters most to you? Do you want to provide quality products and services to your target clients? Or you are more inclined to give excellent service rather than the quality of your products? Whatever it is, you have to determine what you value the most that you can provide your target audience.

What do you have that your competitors don't? What is the one thing that your competitors have not been able to provide your target clients and that you can? What are the weaknesses of your competition? By knowing the weakness of your competition, you can then utilize it to develop your own brand and make it your own strength. When you know your strength, you will be able to use what is missing from your competition to your advantage.

What are the strengths of your competition? On the other hand, the strengths that your competitors have can be your own strengths as well. This means that you learn from what worked for your competitors but you go one step further. Do not be remembered as someone who copies; but be recognized as an innovator who can do more than what is already out there in the market. The bottom line is to make your target clients realize that you have something better to give than your competitors.

What is your vision and mission? What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? Why did you put up your business in the first place?

Who is your target market? What are they looking for in a product or service that they purchase? What do they need? How can you provide it to them and make them understand your message in the language they can relate in your print brochures for example?

These are just a few things you need to consider when doing your marketing with a brand. You do not need to reinvent what is already out there. All you have to do is to tweak it to make it your own.

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