Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Make These Mistakes in Printing Brochures?

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Sometimes people do not realize it, but they are already making big mistakes with their brochure printing. How about you? Do you think that your brochure printing is perfect?

Why do not you take a second look now and see if your color brochures have some mistakes you might have missed. Here is a list of common mistakes that you may be committing in your color brochures.

Printing too cheaply.

Sometimes, people do get a little carried away with cheap brochure printing. We will try to create the best designs with the best content, and then come brochure printing time; we chose the cheapest printing quotation when we can.

While this kind of thinking is only logical and prudent in many ways, it can also be detrimental to the quality of your color brochures. Cheap brochure printing means cheaper paper, lesser quality inks and a loss of that glossy professional effect. So if you are getting a really good bargain with your brochure printing, you might want to see the real status of your color brochures. You might want to suddenly spend just a little bit more for a little bit more quality.

Adding too many images.

Another common mistake that people commit in brochure printing is to add too many images. You might be excited to show your product, or maybe your travel destination and you basically place a lot of images in your layout, just like a gallery. While of course this can be quite eye catching in most cases, this can also have a negative effect on your brochure.

With all the space taken up by the images, there might not be enough for detailed content that will really reach people. So while they are enjoying your images, they might actually not understand what the brochure is all about. That is why it is crucial to have a balance of text and compelling images to get a color brochure just right.

Printing too much text.

On the flipside of too many images is the mistake of printing too much text. Awareness campaign brochures or information drive color brochures are prone to these kinds of mistakes. They usually just print everything possible in the brochure so that people get the entire picture. The problem with this is that the brochure can really begin to look daunting to read. A whole panel of text content is hardly an enticing prospect for readers.

It is best to break the monotony of text content with images, graphs, even adding lists and text boxes. This leads to a better and more powerful brochure.

Getting the first printer you see.

Finally, one of the worst printing mistakes that people commit for brochures is to just hire the first printing company they see. Either they look at the first printing company seen on a search engine, or just jump at the first recommendation given to them. While this makes things easier, to also limits your options. You never know if there are better deals that are cheaper with a higher quality brochure printing service. There might be other brochure printers out there that give alternative kinds of brochure printing such as the use of environmentally friendly paper and inks.

So as you can see, there can be many options actually in brochure printing. So do not settle for the first printer you see. Try to look around and discover the best options for you.

Now, you are a little bit enlightened to the mistakes in printing brochures. Hopefully now that you are more aware, you can prevent these common mistakes from happening in your print brochures.

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